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Rewards and Seasons

The Battlepass Skript offers two different options for implementing seasons: looped seasons and custom seasons. Here is what each of these options mean:

Looped Seasons​

Looped seasons will randomly generate new rewards each season. You can customize rewards the script will pick from.

Custom Seasons​

Custom seasons, on the other hand, allow you to customize each season individually. You can choose to generate new rewards random for each season, or you can configure the rewards manually.

No Seasons​

You can also use the Battlepass without seasons, in this case, the rewards will remain the same until they are changed in the config file.

Configuring Seasons in the Config File
-- Season-System --
-- Visit our documentation for more information:
seasons = {
enabled = true, -- use battlepass seasons
removePremium = true, -- remove premium on season end
seasonLength = 60, -- length of a season in days

Here you can choose to enable seasons (enabled = true), decide whether to remove premium at the end of each season (removePremium = true), and define the length of a season in days (seasonLength = 60).

Configuring Rewards

Next, let's configure the rewards. You can specify rewards for looped and custom seasons using battlepassRewards and randomizedBattlepassRewards, respectively.

For custom seasons, you can configure each season's rewards individually.

battlepassRewards = {
[1] = { -- season one
[1] = { -- first reward
xp = 2000, -- xp needed to level up
-- ...
-- Configure other rewards as above
[2] = { -- second season, add as many you want
-- Add rewards here as above

For looped seasons, set the enabled key to true and define the pool of rewards to pick from. The sum of all chances should be 100

randomizedBattlepassRewards = {
enabled = false, -- use randomized rewards, the battlepassRewards table above will be ignored
rewardCount = 20, -- amount of generated rewards each season
freeChance = 20, -- chance for an empty free reward in percent
rewards = {
chance = 30, -- chance to get this reward (1-100)
-- ...
-- Add more rewards as above

Reward Properties

  • label: The label for the reward.

  • sort: The type of the reward. It can be "cash", "weapon", "coins", "vehicle", or "item".

  • name: The name of the reward.

  • amount: The amount of the reward. For example, the amount of cash or ammo.

  • img: The image for the reward.