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Premium Pass

Giving Premium Battle Pass to Players​

The Sky-Systems Battle Pass offers premium rewards to players who purchase a premium Battle Pass. Here are three different ways to give premium Battle Pass to your players:

Direct Sale in UI

You can sell premium Battle Pass directly to players using the UI. This requires the sky_coinsystem to be installed on your server. Players can purchase coins and then use them to buy premium Battle Pass.

To enable this feature, set the following configuration options in your Battle Pass script:

premium = {
enabled = true,
price = 100,

enabled determines whether players can purchase premium Battle Pass using coins. If you set enabled to true, the Battle Pass UI will display an option for players to purchase premium Battle Pass using coins.

price determines the amount of coins required to purchase premium Battle Pass.

2. Sell Premium in Tebex Store​

You can also sell premium Battle Pass in your Tebex store. This allows players to purchase premium Battle Pass directly using real-world currency.

To enable this feature, set the following configuration options in your Battle Pass script:

premium = {
enabled = false,
price = 0,
tebex = {
enabled = true,
packageId = 0,

enabled should be set to false to disable the direct sale option. tebex.enabled should be set to true to enable the Tebex store option.

packageId should be set to the ID of the Tebex package containing the premium Battle Pass. You can find the ID by going into the Tebex package and copying the ID from the URL. For example, if the URL of the package is, the packageId is 5567774.

Note that this option requires sv_tebexSecret to be set in your server.cfg.

Sell Premium in Tebex Store

You can also sell premium Battle Pass in your Tebex store. This allows players to purchase premium Battle Pass directly using real-world currency.

To enable this feature, set the following configuration options in your Battle Pass script:

premium = {
enabled = false,
price = 0,
tebex = {
enabled = true,
packageId = 0,

enabled should be set to false to disable the direct sale option. tebex.enabled should be set to true to enable the Tebex store option.

packageId should be set to the ID of the Tebex package containing the premium Battle Pass. You can find the ID by going into the Tebex package and copying the ID from the URL. For example, if the URL of the package is, the packageId is 5567774.

Note that this option requires sv_tebexSecret to be set in your server.cfg.

Using Export Function or Command

You can give premium Battle Pass to players using the export function or command in one of your scripts.

For example, you can use the following command in your server console:

/givepremium [playerId]

Replace [playerId] with the player's server ID.

You can also use the following export functions in one of your scripts:

-- @src : number : player server id
local hasPremium = exports['sky_battlepass']:HasPremium(src)
-- return : boolean : has the player the premium battlepass

-- @src : number : player server id
local worked = exports['sky_battlepass']:GivePremium(src)
-- return : boolean : true if everything worked fine

-- @src : number : player server id
local worked = exports['sky_battlepass']:RemovePremium(src)
-- return : boolean : true if everything worked fine

HasPremium(src) checks whether a player has premium Battle Pass.

GivePremium(src) gives premium Battle Pass to a player.

RemovePremium(src) removes premium Battle Pass from a player.