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βš™οΈ Installation

Installing one of our Scripts: Step-by-Step Guide

Sky-Systems offers a variety of high-quality FiveM scripts that can enhance the gameplay experience on your server. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing a Sky-Systems script, step-by-step.

Installation Steps​

Follow these steps to install a Sky-Systems script on your FiveM server:

  1. Install the sky_base resource: With the script, you will receive a sky_base resource in your keymaster. This is a library that our scripts use for better performance, faster configuration, and less setup. Install the sky_base first by uploading it to your resources folder.

  2. Configure the sky_base resource: Navigate to the config/config.lua file within the sky_base folder. Set your framework, sql system, and language in this file. This configuration applies global settings for all of our scripts. For more information, visit the sky_base documentation page.

  3. Download the script: Download the script from keymaster and upload it to your resources folder. Note that sometimes after downloading from keymaster, the resource folder is packed within another folder with the same name. Ensure you place the folder on your server that contains the fxmanifest file.

  4. Import the SQL file: Locate the import.sql file within the script folder and import it into your database system.

  5. Modify the server configuration: Open your server.cfg file and add the following line of code: ensure sky_scriptname. Replace sky_scriptname with the name of the script you're installing.

  6. Customize the script settings: Navigate to the config folder within the script folder and configure the script to your liking. This is where you can customize the behavior and settings of the script.

  7. Save changes and start your server: Save your changes and start your FiveM server.

Important Considerations​

  • Keymaster Account: Ensure that your server has a key from the same keymaster account the resource was purchased with. Otherwise, you will encounter the error: "You lack the required entitlement to use ..."

  • Do Not Rename Scripts: Do not rename the scripts. Renaming them will break their functionality.

That's it! You've successfully installed a Sky-Systems script on your FiveM server.

Possible Issues​

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

Failed to verify protected resource ...

This error message indicates that the script files may have been corrupted during the download process or that the .fxap file wasn't uploaded to your server. To resolve this issue, try the following steps:

  • Verify that the .fxap file is present in the sky_scriptname folder within the resources folder on your server.
  • Try deleting the sky_scriptname folder from your server and uploading it again using your FTP client.
  • If the issue persists, try using a different FTP client to upload the script files to your server.

You lack the required entitlement to use ...

If you see this error message, it may indicate an issue with your keymaster account. Try restarting your FiveM server and verifying your keymaster account to resolve this issue.


That's it! If you have any further questions or concerns about installing a Sky-Systems script, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

By following these enhanced steps, you should have a smoother installation process and enjoy the benefits of our scripts on your FiveM server.